Friday, August 14, 2009

Reading Manga, Is quite Addictive

At first I am an avid anime fan, but later I also become a manga fan.. Don't you know that every anime out there started out as manga?.. When a manga become popular they start making anime versions of it although there were some alterations in the story but it is still quite close. After the anime there comes the OVA and the movie. However the manga is more addictive, the character portraits are much clearer than the anime, plus reading is fun of course. And then about the story line the manga version are the originals with no alterations, simply to say if you follow a certain anime story to enjoy the story you have to find its manga version. This way you will also understand what story you are following. I have not been watching any anime I got addicted to the mangas, they are quite fun to read and pretty much entertaining.

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